Definition Multimedia

Definition Multimedia can be different from the perspective of different people. In general, multimedia relates to the use of more than one type of media to present information. For example, the music video is a form of multimedia for information using audio / voice and video. Unlike the music recordings using only audio / voice so-called multimedia.
Multimedia derived from the multi and media. Multi derived from the Latin, the nouns that mean a lot or mixed. The word comes from the Latin media, the medium which means the intermediary or something that is used to deliver, deliver, or bring something. Said medium in the American Heritage Electronic Dictionary (1991) defined as a tool to distribute and present information. Based on that multimedia is the combination of various media (file format) in the form of text, images (vector or bitmap), graphics, sound, animation, video, interaction, and others that have been packaged into a digital file (computerization), is used to convey or deliver a message to the public. Multimedia is a combination of data or media to convey information so that it presented more attractively (Rosch, 1996).


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